Ecommerce Transformation for Leading Fashion Brand

The brand sought a comprehensive eCommerce solution that included a new admin portal, a user-friendly website, and a mobile app.

The brand wanted to enhance its digital storefront to match its reputation in the fashion world. Idea was to develop an intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing online store that resonated with the brand’s aesthetics while incorporating advanced features for both the customers and the admin.


The project resulted in a significant transformation:


Backend: Developed using PHP and Laravel, delivering a secure and scalable foundation for efficient data management.
Frontend: Created with Vue.js and Nuxt.js, providing an interactive and intuitive interface for streamlined admin operations.
Database: Utilized MySQL for structured and secure data storage, including inventory, orders, customer profiles, and more.


Backend: Utilized PHP and Laravel to build a reliable backend, facilitating smooth data interactions and seamless functionality.
Frontend: Crafted using Vue.js and Nuxt.js, offering a fast, responsive, and visually appealing user interface for the brand’s website.
Database: Employed MySQL to manage various aspects of the website, including product information, customer data, and order records.


Backend: Developed with PHP and Laravel to provide a robust backend for user authentication, data synchronization, and real-time updates.
Frontend: Built using Node.js and React Native, ensuring a cross-platform mobile app with native-like performance and UI.
Real-Time Communication: Integrated technologies to enable real-time communication between the Mobile App and the backend, supporting instant updates and notifications.

Service Technology
Web Design
Web Development
Mobile App
PHP/Laravel (APIs)
Node.js/React Native